After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Simon said in reply, "Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets." When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. - Luke 5:4-6

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Family Outing

Alas, I am blogging from the air again, I am currently en route to Phoenix but I figured I would take the time to give a brief update on the goings on of my past week.  The ND savvy out there will probably recognize the statue in the above photo and probably recognize that it is not the one in front of Corby Hall, so yes you're right, we took a family trip to Gettysburg.  In all honesty it was originally billed as a family trip to Hershey Park and the Gettysburg leg (which is about an hour away) was added on later, at your author's humble request.  Hershey has been a place where my family has spent many a summer vacation and it is always nice to go back.  However with me at 25 and my brother at 21, this trip, while certainly still fun, brought the realization that our Hershey days are probably behind us and it is up to my brother to have kids of his own before we head back again.  But that being said, there are still some awesome roller coasters at Hershey that still give a thrill to children of all ages. 

Our time at Gettysburg was short (about4.5 hours) but extremely worth while.  It was my first trip to the famous battlefield and was certainly worth it.  I guess what is most striking is the sheer size of the battlefield, which took nearly 2 hours to drive around.  Equally striking was the absolute skill (and bit of luck) that was needed for the Union to be victorious.  As our tour guide drove us around the battlefield and outlined each phase of the battle it became apparent just how close the Union came to losing the Battle of Gettysburg, a possible history changing outcome.  However it is not the bravery and determination of the Union soldiers alone that makes Gettysburg sacred ground, the land is a great reminder of what the consequences of a divided nation can be.  A place where thousands of Americans, both Union and Confederate died in service to their country.

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