After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Simon said in reply, "Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets." When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. - Luke 5:4-6

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

En Guadalajara

Well today was my first day in Guadalajara. My flight down here was as smooth as could be (time wise, the actual flight was fairly turbulent) and I got to the airport a little before 10PM. After a quick trip through customs I found my ride and got to my host family's house around 10:45. I live with an older couple named Sergio and Carmen and they are extremely hospitable.

Chris and I purposely decided to start classes tomorrow so that we should have a bit of a chance today to explore a bit and at least to get to know the local neighborhood. We found where our school was, some local eateries, the Wal-Mart, some local parishes, and eventually the mall. We kept our adventures relatively short because it is pretty hot out (lower to mid 90's) and after awhile just walking around, especially in jeans (the usual wear down here) got a bit uncomfortable, though the mall was air conditioned and provided a nice little respite.

Probably the most notable thing today was check out the local churches. Guadalajara is a very Catholic city and for the couple of churches we saw, they both had mass every hour in the morning from 6 to 8, then at noon, and a couple more in the evening, during the week and from the noon mass that Chris and I attended, they are pretty full.

That's all for now, the rest of the day has been spent unpacking and settling in. School starts tomorrow so that should present a fair bit to talk about. I apologize; there will probably be a minimal amount of pictures on the blog for the next few weeks because the cord that connects my camera to my computer is sitting safely on my desk in South Bend.

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