After he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch." Simon said in reply, "Master, we have worked hard all night and have caught nothing, but at your command I will lower the nets." When they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their nets were tearing. - Luke 5:4-6

Saturday, May 8, 2010

On Retreat

Things have finally quieted down here in the Bend, papers are all turned in, final exams taken, and Moreau has for the most part cleared out.  There really is not much left to do but pack up and get ready for the summer.

I wanted to let you know that these pages will be quiet for the next week or so as I head to St. Meinrad's Archabbey, in St. Meinrad, IN for my annual personal retreat.  St. Meinrad's Archabbey is a monastery of Benedictine monks of the Swiss-American congregation in the southern part of Indiana (about a 6 hour drive) and they have graciously allowed me to join then for the comming week to get in some solid prayer time (and R&R as well) for the next week. 

Just a note on "retreats," for many "retreats" are those things you did in high school (if you went to a Catholic one) or for CCD with cheesy ice breakers, corny skits and forced talk about God.  If you did retreats in college, there were still probably cheesy ice breakers, but lots of growing closer to God, staying up late, affirmation sessions, praise and worship music, hearing people's faith stories, etc.  Which begs the question, what is a "personal retreat" and why go to a monestary?  For me an annual personal retreat (which all Holy Cross religious are obliged to take) is a time to step back and reconnect with God.  Our lives are often extremely busy with ministry and/or studies and though we certainly try to do our best to pray on a daily basis and reflect on how we are doing, we need to at some time each year take a step back, stop the presses, and just be with God.  A retreat is quiet time free from work or study, to more deeply examine how our year has gone, to ask, how have I grown closer to God? or maybe even, in what ways have I distanced myself from God?  Retreat is a precious time where I can dedicate myself more intensely for a short period to prayer, self reflection, and spiritual growth.

So for the next week I will join the monk's of St. Meinrad's in their monastic schedule [common prayer at 5:30 (vigils & lauds), 7:30 (mass), noon (daytime prayer), 5:00 (vespers), and 7:00 (compline)].  I choose to make my annual retreat at a monastery because its rythm of prayer keeps me honest and really helps me spend the entire day in contact with God.  During the other times of the day I will do some reading (spiritual and recreational), journaling, private prayer, and just get some rest.  Hopefully this week of retreat will help me slow down a bit after the hectic end to the semester and get me in a good place before taking off for Mexico.

As always, your prayers while I am on retreat are most appreciated and I promise that I will be spending time praying for each and every one of you as well.

God Bless!

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